
Jude Heimel and hearing alert service dog, Lacey

Jude Heimel and hearing alert service dog, Lacey

WellDone Publishing

is a creation of independent author Jude Heimel.

Its mission is to help individuals gather and share their memories and other works of creative fiction. Contact us at info @ welldonepublishing.company, or use our contact form.



From the Author

My Dogs And How They Shaped My Life is my first memoir.

This book fulfills the promise I made to myself in the second grade. I set a goal to publish a book based on my life experiences. This is it. I chose my dogs for my first book because I have had so many truly wonderful animals and no one will know them unless I write their stories down. It has been a labor of love.

What I didn’t realize when I started was how deeply I had to reach inside myself to share some of my most vulnerable and valuable life experiences. I reflected on very difficult and debilitating experiences until I was able to shift my perspective to one that was both real and recovered. It was hard work. I learned a lot about resilience in the process. I hope you benefit from my stories.

About the Author

Jude Heimel and hearing alert service dog, Lacey, live in a housing co-operative in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

Jude has been an organizational development consultant for forty years. As principal at Jude Heimel & Associates, she consults with national laboratories and research universities. Prior to owning her own business, she worked as an internal consultant with AT&T Bell Laboratories and other telecommunications firms. Jude started her work with organizations with nonprofits and worker owned businesses.

Lacey has been a service dog for three years. Prior to being a service dog, Lacey lived in shelters in Santa Fe and Los Angeles.

How to Order


  • I planned to read the book slowly,

    one dog story at a time, but I got caught up in the author's life as it was weaved into the book. If you are a lover of animals, and especially dogs, this book is for you.

    - Marie A

    The stories were helpful to me.

    They made me self reflect and acknowledge grief I still hold. Then I got busy and applied the “dogged resilience” the author describes.

    - Ellen C

    The author is a strong woman.

    She faced many difficulties well. She inspires me to be strong, too.

    - Jen W

    It was a good read.

    Made me wish the author had more dogs so I could keep reading.

    - George K

    I couldn’t put it down!

    I was up until 2am.

    - Helen B